My Birth Control Pills made me fat. As I stepped on the scale, it was all I could think. It had to be my birth control pills. I was eating healthy healthier. I was going to the gym, and I’d even participated in several Nike Run challenges until I twisted my ankle and was out on doctor’s orders for three months. Nothing I was doing was helping. I just could not get the weight off. I’ve posted about my weight issues before and each time I’ve made a valiant effort at getting the weight off only to find that it barely budged at my weekly weigh-ins.
After doing some research on my particular brand of Birth Control pills, Junel Fe 1.5/30 I realized that I was not alone and there were several other girls dealing with this same exact struggle, while taking these same exact pills. Next day I called my OBGYN explained to her my issue and she gladly switched me to a birth control called Camrese, which I’d been taking back in 2012. In 2012, I was also at my fittest form weighing 147lbs. I decided to let the other pills get out of my system before starting the new ones, and I continued about my normal life changing nothing. A week after I stopped taking the old pills I stepped on the scale and noticed that I’d lost 2lbs. I started Weight Watchers the following week and after three weeks of being on the weight watchers plan I was down a total of 10lbs. I’d lost 10lbs by simply changing my diet and changing my birth control pills.

According to a recent report released by the Center for Disease Control 62% of woman in their childbearing years, rely on some kind of birth control method. The use of the pill comes in at number two with 16% of women taking it. I’m not sure how long I’ll be on the pill as it’s coming time for me to start maybe thinking seriously about planning a family, but I do know that while I am on it I want to be comfortable in my skin.
If you’ve had these same issues while being on a birth control pill talk with your OBGYN about switching to a different kind. If your doctor tells you that birth control doesn’t cause weight gain then it may be time to seek a new OBGYN as no one knows your body as well as you do.
Same thing happened to me!! Mine was more severe. I gained 40lbs in 3 months. They switched my pill, and I put on another 20 lbs. It was a nightmare!
I’ve heard about this before! It has not happened to me personally but I know friends that had similar experiences!
BC pills are the devil (said in The Waterboy’s moms voice). Mine actually caused cervical cancer (stage 2 when they found it). I went in with a bad pap so they did the further testing and they’re like oh you must have HPV so they tested for that and nope. I’m not a smoker so they concluded it was my BC pills that caused it. For 10 years I didn’t take them and have been fine but this past year I go to the dr and they are telling my now I have endometriosis and the BC will help with the pain. I was worried about that so I got back on them but after 6 months it’s still not helping and I have to go back double time to be checked for abnormalities. It’s rough being a chick.
BC has always made me gain weight and it seems like it never came off but, Brooke OMG wtf!!!!
Years ago, weight gain was a common side effect with most BC pills. One of several reasons why I never used ’em (though the other forms of BC had their own problems). Glad to know that other brands/types can help prevent weight gain.
I was on the same brand, and had the same issue. Only I was on them to avoid hormonal migraines by triggering a period only 4 times a year. It led to more issues, and more problems. My tubes are tied, so I finally just went off everything. It was a tough detox, but I’m much better for getting them out of my system! I’m so glad you have found something that works for you! 🙂
I wish I could blame mine on BC pills, but I haven’t been on them in years! I wish they weren’t the first thing prescribed for so many lady problems because they are a serious medication!, taken too lightly.
My doctor claims that they don’t cause weight gain, but I call shenanigans on it. I recently stopped my birth control pills.
Best thing I ever did was get off of BCPs. When I did, my melasma went away, my acne cleared, I lost weight, and I felt 10x better overall!
So glad that you’ve found something that works! I’ve actually never been on birth control (except for like 2 weeks a few years ago…) but I am always hearing stories about the not so good things that happen when you use a brand that your body doesn’t react kindly to. Sooooo, my BC is the hippie-method in which I track my cycle and use condoms (gasp, I know) during the fertile days. So far so good. No unwanted pregnancies and a purposeful conception. I love that us ladies have options but man, I hate that they can make or break us in many ways.
I’m so glad I don’t have to deal with this anymore!!
I’ve never been on the pill, but my gyn warned me about this.
Back when I took birth control I KNOW it made me gain weight.
Some women do gain weight while under birth control pills, others get acne, other get elevated triglyceride. That’s why it’s important to discuss w/ your doctor several options.
I’m a fan of progesterone-only pills; together with regular workouts and reasonably healthy eating, they haven’t caused my weight to gain – yet.
I had the patch once and OMG I gained like 10 pounds
I don’t think BC pills are for everyone. I know some women who do just fine on them, but for me they affected my personality in way I don’t even feel comfortable using them at all.
I stopped taking the pill and now use the Fertility Awareness Method. The pill is a carcinogen. Plus, it caused so much moodiness in me and cystic acne.
I hate pills and wouldn’t recommend them to anyone!