Now remember. The 21 Day Fix is all about working out, eating healthy and most importantly portion control. This workout is different from the other Beach Body programs as I felt Autumn, you instructor through the program, was more a teacher, rather than a drill instructor when it came to the workouts. The Kit comes with your Workout DVD’s, a shaker cup, and those notorious colored containers. I’ll be honest when I first saw the containers I thought to myself “OMG, I’m going to starve”. I seriously almost just boxed everything back up and shipped it right on back to Beach Body, but after letting it sit in the corner of my living room for a couple of days I realized that if I could tighten the belt on my wallet I really needed to tighten and stop loosening the belt around my waist.
Many people are curious about how the container system works with the 21 Day Fix plan and I’ll try to quickly explain it. Ready?
Okay, whatever amount of the approved food fits in the container is what you can eat.
It’s that simple really! Within the Eating Plan book, there is a formula that helps you to determine how many of each container you can have. For instance in order for me to lose weight I must eat between 1500-1799 calories a day, which means I can have the following: 4 Green containers, 4 Red, 3 Purple, 3 yellow 1 Blue and 1 Orange. I can also have 4 teaspoons of oils and healthy butter like almond or peanut butter. In the beginning I thought I was going to starve, but after getting into the program and doing my meal preps I realized that this was way more than enough food and I was actually always full and ended up not using all my containers worth every single day.
With the 21 Day Fix, you will also work out for 7 Days, with one day being Yoga which is more like a stretch day. If you have not worked out in a while the workouts found in the 21 Day Fix programs will give you a run for your money, but don’t fret because there is someone on every video who does a modified form of the exercise. She and I were BFF’s in my head. What I loved about the program was that there were rest periods for you to catch your breath. Albeit, sometimes only 10-20 seconds, but during the first week I savored every single solitary second of the rest periods. For the exercises, you’ll only need a mat, a heavyweight, and a light weight, or resistance bands. Luckily for me I have a weight set downstairs that I was able to dust off, and so for this program I used a 5lb weight for my light weight and an 8lb weight for my heavy weight. The first week I was extremely sore as my muscles were coming out of retirement. By week 3, I was actually able to crank out 10 regular style pushups, whoop whoop, and able to almost hang in there throughout the entire time for all the exercises.
Overall I really enjoyed the program. There were days I craved food on the forbidden list, but the great thing about this program is that you can eat pizza! Yes, I said Pizza! Two slices of pepperoni pizza is a red and two yellow containers. So let’s get to my results shall we?
Total Weight Lost 6.6lbs
Measurements: Day 1 vs Day 21
Hips: 43 7/8 vs 43 2/8
Waist: 31 3/4 vs 30 1/2
Left Thigh: 28 1/4 vs 27 3/4
Right Thigh: 27 3/4 vs 27 1/2
Chest: 36 5/8 vs 35 5/8
Left Arm: 1 3 vs 12 1/8
Right Arm: 13 1/4 vs 12 1/4
Total Inches lost: 5.575
The program touts you can lose up to 15lbs in 21 days by following the plan. However, everyone’s body processes things differently so while I wanted to throw up big numbers Biggest Loser style I was happy with my 6lb weight loss. Actually my weight loss seems to be pretty average compared to others who’ve done the program and posted about their weight. What I’m happy about most is that while I lost weight I also lost 5 noticeable inches. By week three, I had to actually tighten the belt on my jeans to keep them up on my hips. You can also start to see a change in my abdominal area as it’s starting to appear more toned and less gut like. I’m evening starting to get a slight outline in my waist! All in all, I am happy with my results and plan to take on another round of 21 Day Fix to help me get me closer to my goal weight.
Want to join me on the next round? You can order your copy of the 21 Day Fix program by clicking on the banner below or let me know in the comments and I’ll help you order the program!

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